
Monday, August 26, 2013

I recently read about a poll taken by a national organization that said the average American nearing retirement age has only put aside $10,000! Why aren't Americans saving more money?



Will You Have a Middle-Class Retirement? by Tom Sightings


"What is middle class in America today? According to a definition from the Brookings Institution, the middle class comprises families with incomes between one-half the median income and twice the median income. Today this would make a middle-class annual income range from about $25,000 to $100,000."

"But your location and your situation make a big difference. If you're trying to raise a family on $100,000 a year in New York, Washington or Los Angeles, you're barely scraping by. If you're a retired couple without kids in Macon, Ga., or Mason City, Iowa, you're among the richest people in town." Read article --

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